Great Dealer Profits: Sell To Who You Want To

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sell To Who You Want To

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Yes, there is opportunity everywhere. It all starts with your perspective on how your business should be.

Remember we were talking about looking at the size of the fleet of vehicles that you need to have control over to meet your income and unit sales goals?That is perspective.

Some people like to call this attitude. You call it what you would like, the results of the same.

Your perspective (or your attitude), directly affects what you will see as an opportunity. So I guess the next thing we should do is explore what affects our perspective.

Remember the PT Barnum quote, "Those who don't have goals in life hit their target with amazing regularity."?

Well, that's one of the main things that affect your perspective is your goals are targets.

You see, once you set a target; a system in your brain called the reticular activating system goes to work and allows you to see things that will act as supports to get to that target.

We will call the supports the pay values.

Now here's the real funny part. The things that we see as pay values once we have a target in mind were there before we had the target in mind!
But, because we did not have a target in mind, the reticular activating system did not allow us to see them. The dog gone thing only lets in pay value or threatening items!

So you're real mission in this prospecting lesson is to make sure that you have your targets clearly in mind.

That is why we went through the exercise in determining the size of fleet that you need to be in control of an order for you to make what you want to make.

Make sure you have targets or goals for every aspect of your life.

We certainly would not want you wasting any ammunition.

Catch you later, Curt.


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